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Writer's pictureAbbey Belles


The last weekend in October is generally the LABBS (Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers - annual convention, however, this year because of everything going on in the world, they moved online!

Although sad not to be altogether for the weekend, there were many positives:

- We were able to enjoy watching convention from our sofas

- We were able to watch more of the choruses than we would normally be able to

- We were able to watch many of the quartets when we would normally have been at work

- We didn't have to miss out on fringe sessions, and could simply "catch up later"

- the list goes on...

Each chorus and quartet, instead of competing, submitted a video (up to 5 minutes long) showing who they are and what is important to them.

Below you can see the link to our video, we hope you enjoy!!

You can also see our quartet's, "Jabberwocky" video here:

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